Dear Darcy, I’m sure you already know all this—so please forgive the mini history lesson kickin’ off this letter—but I have to set the scene for those poor, misguided souls […]
Dear Sir Patrick, You know how some fellas will talk about an older woman they still find sexy? As if they’re shocked when someone over the age of 45 is […]
Dear John McClane, I have a confession: the Christmas Season makes me horny. When a handsome fella like George Bailey learns his life has purpose, it gives me one helluva […]
Starting with her role in HALLOWEEN, Jamie Lee has reigned supreme as the mother of all Screem Queens. And Eve has something to say about it.
Dear Joe Bob, When you were gallivanting around Dallas, cahooting with Wanda Bodine and Cherry Dilday, I hadn’t been born yet. During your run hosting Joe Bob’s Drive-In Theater on TMC, […]